Note, this article is on the birth chart of Julian Assange, founder of an organization called WikiLeaks. For those new to the topic, here is an article that introduces both Assange and his organization. Note, WikiLeaks websites are once again experiencing disruptions. Also, updating a fast-moving story, the next release of documents by WikiLeaks will be about a major U.S. bank, which Assange said “look a lot like the Enron emails.”
Tonight, Interpol released the birth data of Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks — who is wanted for rape in Sweden. I’ll come back to that — the issue has bubbled to the surface and back down for several months; the charges were dropped and then recently re-upped by the prosecutor in Stockholm. But for the moment, suffice it to say that the man who is exposing the secrets of the World Management Team is being accused of sex crimes. Let’s bookmark that as 8th House.

The chart is to the left. [Here is a full listing of the minor planets.] It’s a noon chart, because we don’t know the birth time. However, it’s a noon chart that is straight to the point. Till now, Assange had succeeded at keeping even his birth date entirely secret, so this is something of an astrological coup, and begins to answer the curiosity of many. If you’re curious about the chart of WikiLeaks, check this article from the Friday subscriber series.
Okay as for the chart. The first thing that catapults out of this chart is Sun square Uranus. This brings in the revolutionary, rebellious and moreover inventive principle at full strength. When you think of Sun square Uranus, think of Nathan Hale: “I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country.” Sun square Uranus is the full embodiment of the forward-thinking Uranian principle. The Sun was square Uranus on the day that Uranus was discovered. Uranus disrupts, transforms, up-ends and invents. Notably, this is hanging out at about 10 degrees of the cardinal signs, close enough to the Aries Point to count, currently being aspected by transiting Pluto, and is in line with the Uranus-Pluto square of 2012. So, his chart is right in line with whatever 2012 means — and make no mistake, THIS is one of the things it means. When we think of the kinds of social progress we might associate with 2012, how exactly would that look? When the truth is revealed, and gets some traction, there’s a release of energy — and it’s unpredictable.
In a similar vein, we see an exact conjunction of Chiron and Eris, two relatively new planets. Chiron (the maverick) was discovered in 1977 and Eris (associated with identity crisis and disruptions) was anointed in 2006. These were conjunct through the early 1970s; in past articles I have compared this aspect with the revolutionary nature of the ‘second wave’ feminist movement that was thriving at the time. Chiron and Eris in Aries is a massive evolutionary impulse for self-actualization.

He also has Saturn opposite Neptune. This is an illustration of his shape-shifting power — Sasha Baron Cohen (the actor who created the Borat character, and Ali G) has this one as well. His mind has penetrating power: he’s a mindfucker, and we all have fun as a result. Assange, for his part, is a phenomenon to experience, and he’s having his way with some people who are accustomed to having what they think of as total power.
Saturn contains and solidifies; Neptune dissolves. This is an illustration of tension, but it’s subtle, and it’s a picture of his quality of invisibility. It’s one of his power sources as a hacker and his best camouflage as kind of hero-outlaw. (Assange, if you don’t know the story, started his career as a prodigy teenage hacker. He was arrested, but the prosecutor in the case said, “There is just no evidence that there was anything other than sort of intelligent inquisitiveness and the pleasure of being able to — what’s the expression — surf through these various computers.” The charges were dropped. His hacker name was ‘Mendax’ (derived from a phrase of Horace: splendide mendax, or ‘nobly untruthful’).
In this chart, Sun, Chiron, Uranus and Eris are all in aspect — they are all working together, though the tension is rather incredible. It’s nothing less than you would expect in the chart of someone who would dare to take on such massive issues.
We do have reason to believe he has conflicts with women — and also a depth of harmony with them. The conflict shows up as Venus and Ceres square Pluto; the presence of Ceres comes back to his mother. While it’s certainly emotionally challenging, and deep, and (in the mutable signs) nervous, this aspect can also illustrate a radical values system. He embodies Pluto through on his feminine side.
Speaking of — the charge of rape. I’m not going to say whether I think Julian Assange raped anyone, particularly in a country without any requirement for physical evidence. In other words, so far as I know, there is no rape kit required in Sweden, only testimony. I do think that it’s interesting that the man who is exposing the dark, vile secrets of the world management team is being accused of sex crimes. Here you have the perfect picture of the 8th house — sex, death, secrets, money and power.
There are many other aspects in this chart that speak to who he is — such as Mars square Jupiter, which also showed up in this week’s chart for publishing the 250,000 cables. And of course I’ve only looked a few of the minor planets.
We can say more about how Assange has been offered asylum in Ecuador.
We can cover some of those in the discussion. Please — chime in. Thanks!
Hi Eric,
Great discussion here!
I’m so glad someone else brought up the Eris/Chiron conjunction in a T square to the sun opposing Uranus. He is very much a Sun square Uranus, but the Eris/Chiron makes it even more poignant and powerful.
I found his chart useful in better understanding how Eris works in the chart. I had a look at other celebs with a similar set up and those with Eris angular. I could find no-one else in my Solar fire database with his exact T square. I’d be interested to see if anyone else has.
to answer my own question here:
Greetings ef!
The association of Chiron with ‘festering wound’ emerged through my own experiences, a myriad of observations and impressions of others and the mythic theme itself. By ‘festering’ I wanted to convey the idea of a wound that lies just beyond the outskirts of consciousness, often further obscured by denial, making it difficult to recognize much less heal. Nonetheless, it taints everything. Thus, a low-grade ‘festering’.
Does that clarify?
By what logic do you give Chiron the key phrase “festering wound”?
Where are you getting that, in experience or in the chart?
One hell of a natal chart, man. Good work. so much going on there, I just noticed pallas is sextile his sun… (havent made it to the podcast yet, but eagerly awaiting quitting time so I can give it a listen)
but, does anyone know what is this??
I came across Glenn Greenwald’s article in today’s “Salon” where he had a link to an appearance on a Canadian show last night about JA and WL.
His article is worth checking out:
and it provides a link to an aricle in the Economist.
Ha Dearsort, I see we are sharing similar thoughts……Julian as “midwife” to a monumental “birthing” scenario.
Thanks Len for getting my humour, though I realized after the fact, that posting it may have seemed like I was making light of a rather serious set of issues. My Irish sensibilities and wit have a hard time being curbed sometimes, I tell ya!
I feel, along with hypnotic and others here, that these allegations are falsely trumped up and that it’s inevitable that the “powers that be” would do anything to get their hands on him and put him out of operation. Smear campaigns are typical of their MO.
I am not going to spend time speculating on his love life but I DO choose to revere his integrity and the audacity of his actions. He is our modern day Robin Hood, robbing the power mongers and the “Haves’ of the world of their secrets and lies, turning the system on its head so as to give truth and honesty back to us “Have Nots”. We’ve craved some kind of a better way to operate this world, and here we have it — this is it birthing. I am in awe of his moxy, and he is not far from my thoughts these past few days, as I and all of us, send him goddess speed to protect him and keep his aim true. It’s up to us now to find our own ways of emulating his actions in our daily lives. We need JA and he needs us.
Fe puts it very nicely I think:
“Assange could very well be the wind that takes the whole thing off the balance and propels it forward to what we need to have happen.”
and PS. to Pallas Athene @ the 8th house cusp — You GO Girl!
Just one thought. Chiron (festering wound) conjunct Eris (disrupter) says to me “healing crisis”. A healing crisis describes the sudden surfacing of long-standing murky low-grade wrongness, erupting through the thick pavement of denial, becoming critical enough that the the system must and finally can address it. A healing crisis is a radical form of disclosure of what’s been all along awry with the system as a whole. Here, Eris continues the overall Uranian theme and gives it a particular focus. To me, Julian Assange is definitely attempting to midwife a healing crisis.
upon looking for info. on the NASA conference on NYT online I came across this…
I wanted to post this on Reply to Astro News but forgot my login and password…..and since I have you email, i used it.
Looking forward to your insights is the Podcast!
OK, I am not good at this astrology stuff but based on personality profiles, this guy’s chart (as you folks here have read it) fits pretty well. Hackers tend to be folks that like to “beat the system” for the challenge and fun of it. They get a secret thrill out of doing things that affect other people and that get a kind of pseudo recognition for themselves. They also tend to have a feeling that they are above the law even as they get their kicks out of breaking the rules. This breeds a kind of arrogance. The name he chose for himself says a lot too; Mendax = mendacity or lies. Why would a secret hacker call himself a liar? Why not use the whole handle of “splendide mendax” (noble untruth) if that’s what he thought of himself? Yet here he is, exposing “other people’s” lies. Hmmmm. Rule breaker, secretly wanting notoriety, self-labelled liar who exposes other people’s lies, may have issues with women, and toss in the usual arrogant and cocky attitude of most hackers and what do you get? A dangerous maverick, that’s what. Dangerous to whom? Depends on HIS whim, doesn’t it? That’s what makes the people he is exposing nervous. They know he has no qualms about breaking the rules, especially the “understood” hypocritical rules that move nations. Outing the “old boy” network would be a bigger thrill than just hacking into some computers and it would expose some whopping lies, too.
What is he hiding about himself that he called himself “liar” and exposes other people’s lies? Transference anyone? Or is it that someone in his past accused him of lying and he felt the hypocrisy of that and chose to expose lies and liars? Why did he leave off the “splendide” part of his hacker handle when that would have made more sense regarding his later (wikileaks) actions that fit that? This is a complex man indeed.
liminali –you’re right! good call. The Pluto/NN contact is a good reminder of Assange’s place in the greater drama/dharma of the era. He’s as much changed by this as we are.
Len, thank you. *bows* One of those eclipses falls on a personal point of mine, and I had done some noodling around that a while back, so the degree popped out to me. When I’m not knee deep in the daily astro, I remember bits like that. So I just looked through my ephemeris, and lo and behold…
I also find it interesting the recent Full Moon occurred across his 2nd/8th house access. His resources in 2nd: Scorpio Jupiter (LOTS of BIG secrets) v. Gemini Saturn in 8th (Gatekeeper to Other People’s Business).
Many people are suggesting Assange is being childish by releasing these documents. Perhaps they’re intuiting his South Node Leo, but it’s more about the people issuing that charge. Maybe the new documents do not seem as compelling as war documents, but I think there’s a method to his madness: Get us to see our emperors as naked, childish and silly as we are in order to discharge any fear of them when the really challenging material gets released. A bit like being a kid and catching your folks having sex one morning, and realizing how ridiculous and weird they look. “This is the big secret?! Geez, I can see why…” 😉
There was some good support for his actions, in regards to wikileaks, on NPR this morning. I, for my part, told my coworkers very casually how much I get paid. You’re only as sick as your secrets. Eric knows, there really aren’t any.
Pieces, Pisces – Fishes, Vices
Oops, 29Pisces, not Pieces!
Eric, his Logos is at 26Cancer34 exactly square Atlantis at 26Libra13.
(I use the 360 degree sort at Serennu, read through from 0Aries to 29Pieces, and notice what pops out.)
Shanna, his Vertex is square the recent Pluto/NN conjunction, to within less than 30 arc minutes if I’m remembering correctly. Transforming dharma with heavy duty karmic contacts.
I havent had a chance to catch up on all the reading here so I will post more later when I am more informed, but I wanted to contiribute my raw sense:
from the get-go I sensed aquarius rising, just on the basis of his photos and a feeling. That would have put his moon up high in house 9-11 but maybe not in Scorpio. I see from this chart he has Libra with Uranus rising putting his Sun in the upper houses. As to the moon, though its a small window of time for that day, i would agree, a scorpio moon seems more apt, than a libra moon.
As an aside, personally, i think the photos of the guy are hot, he’s a very good looking guy in a soft femine way with some very nice lips and eyes, and he’s also very powerful… so I can see where someone might get pissed off and have a personal vendetta, though I still feel the charges are trumped up … emphasis on “feel”
Len, the houses are not sharp divisions. Lilly [William Lilly, one of the saints of modern astrology, who wrote the first-ever textbook in English] offers a “five degree rule” when a planet is within five degrees of the cusp, it’s more about the next house. Also, we can add to that whole sign houses. The basic concept there is that in a chart with Libra rising, all of Libra can count as the 1st house and all of Taurus would be the 8th.
That house system is humming along in the background of the regular house systems. The old concept for “cusp” was not the edge of the house but rather the peak of energy in the [whole sign] house, for example in the Thema Mundi, all of Cancer is the 1st house. But 15 degrees is rising so that becomes a cusp in every house. There are different ways to measure that.
Really, you can get the feeling for it in the behavior of the planet, how it feels and what it does. That Pallas is parked right up against the 8th cusp…it’s there…and look at this 8th house scenario that is playing out! Pallas is all about the political scene — the secrets sex death money power game — and he has Pallas there!
One exception I make is when a planet is on the other side of an angle. If something is very late 6th I will be more inclined to count it as 6th or 6th/7th than just 7th; same with something floating just above the ascendant; that will often feel more 12th, but there are charts where (for example) Cancer is rising; it’s also on the cusp of the 11th; but something about the client says: take that whole sign as the 1st house and all that previously thought of as concealed stuff in the 12th is suddenly out in the open.
So — five degree rule; and whole sign houses, to answer in a line.
Eric, i’m confused. When i look at your solid noon chart i see Pallas in the seventh house. Yet you say eighth. That has me feeling less than solid. Am i blind? Unable to count? Help, please. How can i hope to locate Logos and Atlantis if i can’t locate the eighth house? This is like having to clear your orbit to be a planet.
Please convey my regards to Mr. Sedgwick and thank him for his insightful comparison.
This is a solid noon chart. I can tell because, well, the chart works fine as a noon chart. How about that Pallas on his 8th house??? But when you run the progressions (quotidian secondary) you end up with that Chiron-Eris on the ascendant of the progressed chart — that was exact Sunday. Pretty amazing.
So when the chart works you use it; by the way Phil Sedgwick said compare his Moon (which ain’t no Libra moon) to that of the Facebook kid.
I would love to know where Logos and Atlantis are in his chart — I didn’t think to look
Looking at this chart and what’s going on throughout this country and the world, one gets a sense that we are witnessing world history on a fulcrum, turning on the axis, tipping ever so each way.
Assange could very well be the wind that takes the whole thing off the balance and propels it forward to what we need to have happen.
We can’t sustain it any longer: this world built on secrets and lies to the benefit of a select few who want to keep the world as is.
Your wry sense of humor is finds appreciation from this quarter – thank you. Being a high-profile personality in the 21st century and having unprotected sex with what seems to be new acquaintances does unavoidably raise some questions. Anyone identified so closely with “whatever 2012 means” is taking on responsibility that nobody could envy. He has a load to carry and a steep road to carry it on. i would offer my compassion to him (in addition to my gratitude) and judge him only as i would myself be judged.
BRAVO! i bow down to your prowess. Your observation of the grand fire trine makes the Chiron-Eris conjunction make so much more sense. Your proficient and rapid comparison to the 2011 ephemeri (how did you do that?) takes my breath away.
Wish you would bless us (and humble me) with your comments more often.
Brilliant work on short notice. Your invitation to chime in is like asking somebody to come up to bat after someone else has hit a grand slam. You have cleared the bases in style, with power and integrity. So one must start by acknowledging what you have already written.
Given that this is a Noon chart, the Moon position is as uncertain as the ascendant and houses. However, a Scorpio Moon would be no surprise with the discerning investigative prowess often associated with it.
If we overlay the Thema Mundi chart (like a tranparency) on his Noon-natal some things make sense. Among them Sun in the 12th house, rising above the ascendant, Mercury in the first, both in the sign of Cancer – shining a light into the mysterious out-of-mind and connecting it with the intellect but also making it personal.
His legal problems in Sweden have troubled me deeply. But the vulnerability to getting into such trouble (regardless of whether the charges are valid or not) is there as you pointed out. In addition to your examples there is Pallas opposing the Moon. Also, DML as part of the Uranus-Sun-Eris-Chiron cardinal T-Square. Also, having Nessus make the Venus-Juno conjuction (squaring Pluto) into a stellium.
One more thing about the Jupiter-Neptune conjunction (opposing Saturn). Although conjunct, they are in different signs. It has been my observation that conjunctions that straddle a cusp indicates either a proficiency moving between “worlds” or a total inability to even imagine doing so. That fits with your shape-shifter / hero-outlaw characterization assuming the proficiency side of the coin.
Hope this was all of service to you and the Planet Waves readers.
So in the Guardian article we read: “Assange strongly denies any wrongdoing but admits having unprotected but consensual encounters with two women during a visit to Sweden in August”, then we find out here in his chart that his Sun squares Uranus, giving him revolutionary “balls.”
Shall we say he prefers them unrestricted?
Yeah, and ooh right: Natal Vertex at 3+ Aries.
And Jupiter will NOT be onside for help during the 2011 December eclipse/Uranus upheaval; it turns direct at 0 degrees Taurus Christmas day with a transiting Moon in Cap.
You could play with Jupiter in Taurus idea of Money Bags and certainly Wall Street. So Taurean. The robber barons all came up through the Pluto in Taurus era. Perhaps Wall Street interests will not be full strength when the new wave of news pops out.
When Jupiter does turn direct in December 2011, the NN is on the Great Attractor at 14+ Sagittarius conj Mercury at 12+ Sagittarius.
“WAY OUT” lies here?
Over and out.
The man has KARMA 14+ Leo conjunct MAKEMAKE 13+ Leo. (Went looking b/c of the research I did last winter on Makemake signatures in famous “black hat” hackers. Wanted to know what drives this man to seek out this information. Karma.)
Not only that but he’s got a (karmic?) grand fire trine that’s amazing: Karma and Makemake in Leo, trine Great Attractor and his natal Kassandra, (both at 13+ Sag), trine Chiron/Eris at 13+ Aries.
South node so near that Karma/Makemake conjunction in Leo. He’s here to serve The Many now.
Those so inclined to dig out their ephemeri will note the multiple conjunctions in his chart to 2011 summer/winter’s eclipses, including the Neptune/Saturn opposition and his natal Nessus.
He is most definitely the man with the 2012 plan.