The Daily Aspect: Wednesday, Oct. 29

Mercury is on its way out of shadow phase.

Photo by Eric Francis.
Photo by Eric Francis.

We can resume our normal programming starting tomorrow. Mercury trine Pallas and square Varuna. Venus conjoins Ixion. Ixion is the energy of “what you are capable of.” This can be applied to positive powers and also negative.

Venus conjoining this magnifying force implies a relationship with needing attention. You might find yourself in a situation where someone is taking up all of your time and energy, or you are requiring that out of another. In this instance, and combined with Mercury’s aspects for the day, one question that could be asked is: “how much support from others do I need? What parts of my life would I like to see more people involved in and not?” Conversely, if there is someone there who is taking up all your energy, ask yourself why you continue to feed them in that manner; what does it do for you?

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