Look Here — The Alice-Pisces New Moon

The Pisces New Moon just before 3 am EST Saturday conjoins asteroid 291 Alice to the degree. In the experience of your humble servant, 291 Alice is an object which reliably says “look here.” Given the place New Moons hold in astrology, combined with how Alice has consistently worked for yours truly, looking no further than yourself and where you are is your indicated best practice as February rolls into March.

Astrology by Len Wallick

Every New Moon is the more-or-less monthly conjunction of the two most important objects in astrology — the Sun and Moon. A conjunction is two objects at the same place on the zodiac and in the sky.

Every conjunction represents (among other things) the beginning of a new cycle for the two objects involved. In the case of the Sun and Moon that cycle has a special name — lunation.

In her article for the February/March issue of The Mountain Astrologer, Dr. J. Lee Lehman observed how lunations (along with eclipses and ingresses) are “the big three events of mundane astrology.” Eric has also cited lunations as an important factor in describing his process of composing the best horoscopes in the world.

Since experience verifies how the unfolding and outcome of any cycle is often contained in the beginning, any New Moon is worth paying close attention to. If you add an asteroid, such as 291 Alice, which serves to draw your attention to a place and time, you have doubly reinforced how you should observe both your personal circumstances and aspects to the Pisces New Moon closely, to get some idea of what’s about to unfold for you.

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