Be True — Venus Enters Aquarius

To thine own self be true.
William Shakespeare

Venus enters Aquarius at 4:03 pm EST tomorrow reminding you to be true to yourself. The reminder derives from how Venus manifests in your life. Another consideration is how long Venus has been in Capricorn, and how Aquarius differs from Capricorn. Finally there is how Venus will make precise aspect to intangible yet important points in the Moon’s orbit upon ingress to the Aquarian realm.

Astrology by Len Wallick

Among other things, Venus is about values, both material and otherwise. Material values have predominated for a long time, but it has not always been that way.

We appear to be far removed from times and places when truth and beauty were considered to be equivalent manifestations of Venus. The cultures where aesthetics and ethics had a value without a price seem so long ago.

Yet, intangible values have not ceased to exist so long as you know how it feels inside to have a conscience and be true to yourself. If you have somehow lost that (self) loving feeling, Venus entering Aquarius is a chance to get it back.

If you have found yourself recently focusing on how love does not pay the rent, it may have to do with how Venus has been stuck in Capricorn for four months.

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