Speaking To Power — Mercury Square Saturn

Mercury in Aquarius will briefly square Saturn’s Scorpio slog for the third time in less than 3 months on Tuesday at 2:14 am EDT, with an image of speaking to power. The aspect will be short, but functional for at least a day because Mercury is still regaining speed after returning to direct motion (following retrograde) on Feb. 28. That’s how you might want to prepare for catching it now.

Astrology by Len Wallick

If a brief aspect is important, preparation helps you to meet it on time. Think of a trolley. If you catch the conveyance, you can ride for quite a ways.

The importance of Tuesday’s square from Mercury to Saturn is implicit because, like the last trolley of the day, we won’t see another one for quite a while.

Not until Aug. 8 will Mercury’s separation from Saturn’s position on the zodiac again reach 90 degrees — the definition of a square. That’s a long time to wait, especially if you have something to say or someplace to go, activities that resonate with Mercury’s archetype.

As regards to what you may want to anticipate saying on Tuesday, think of your relationship to power, which resonates with how Saturn expresses in your life. Most importantly, do not confine your anticipations and contemplations to power figures — you can’t change them. Focus on what you can change: yourself.

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