Deep Background — Major Shifts for Minor Planets

During the week following today’s vernal equinox, nine minor planets will change sign or direction, implying major shifts deep in the background of your life and the world. So many shifts in a short period may be construed to be a single event when considered as a whole. Just as with the seven square aspects from Uranus to Pluto taking place from 2012 to 2015, take them as a whole you should.

Astrology by Len Wallick

Since 2012, when Uranus finally advanced far enough into Aries to reach its first separation of 90 degrees from Pluto in Capricorn, the angular relationship between the two planets has remained substantially the same.

A separation of 90 degrees on the zodiac (and in the sky) defines a square aspect. Ever since their first square of 2012, Uranus and Pluto have more or less held the same aspect by alternating periods of apparent retrograde motion.

The alternating retrogrades, combined with their slow apparent orbital travel, have combined to repeat precisely the square from Uranus to Pluto four times so far, with three more to go. In between precise repetitions, Uranus and Pluto have remained within what astrologers call “orb of aspect.”

Basically, “orb of aspect” means close enough to be functional. Hence, by maintaining substantially the same spatial separation over a long period of time, Uranus and Pluto are also maintaining a continuous event. It is a continuum that (to paraphrase Eric) defines our era.

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