Breaking Down the Count Down

By Len Wallick

Things are falling into place for the grand-cardinal-Aries-point-full-moon-lunar-eclipse-cross that will take place this coming Saturday, June 26. Here’s a brief breakdown for you to consider while you hyperventilate.

Retrograde Pluto in Capricorn is applying to oppose the Cancer Sun. Roughly speaking, this happens about once a year and it can indeed be rough. Its resonance has at least one thing in common with eclipses of which it will be a part — a sense of loss. Risk is also a factor, the kind that tempts you. Also, it is not the time to get into an argument with the umpire (or any authority figure) who will be in no mood.

The Moon is in Sagittarius where it will conjoin the Great Attractor today and the Galactic Center tomorrow before its transit into Capricorn. That’s a lot. Our intuitive and emotional connection with the cosmos will still smell of the the great mysteries of the universe when it hooks up with Pluto and, minutes later, opposes the Sun for a Full Moon/lunar eclipse. That’s like sleeping with everybody in the band over the course of two days. Somebody give that Moon a medal.

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