Reminiscence and Anticipation — Scorpio Full Moon

Tomorrow’s Scorpio Full Moon at 3:16 pm EDT may find you between reminiscence and anticipation. As the luminaries (Taurus Sun and Scorpio Moon) oppose each other with Earth between them, you may have occasion to recall the Cancer Full Moon of mid-January. Should such a recollection occur for you tomorrow, take note so as to begin setting the tone you want for a Pisces Full Moon in September.

Astrology by Len Wallick

What the Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces Full Moons always have in common is that Luna is fully lit in a water sign while opposing an earth-sign Sun. For nearly a year, that commonality has received a boost. 

Because of an unprecedented major planet grand water trine (anchored by Neptune at home in Pisces, joined by Saturn in Scorpio, and completed on June 25, 2013, when Jupiter entered its Cancer exaltation), water sign events have seen their potentiality increase to an unprecedented extent for nearly a year.

For example, look back at last year’s ‘all water, all the time’ Mercury retrogrades to get an idea of how the major planet grand water trine has both worked on you and worked for you. In addition to Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune, there has been another grand water trine working away on another, lower octave involving minor planets on the fringes of our solar system.

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