Something In The Air — Mars Stations Direct

When retrograde Mars resumes direct motion in Libra at 9:31 pm EDT Monday, you may sense something in the air. That ‘something’ will be symbolized by a precise and unlikely grand air trine that will include Mars at direct station. Additionally, the Moon and two asteroids participating with Mars in trine aspect will imply something of your earthly role in the celestial moment.

Astrology by Len Wallick

Trine aspects connect signs that share the same elemental identity (fire, earth, air or water). The element in common is a conductor for the connection. Simple trines take place between two signs. Grand trines correlate all three.

The three air signs (Libra, Aquarius and Gemini), like all signs sharing the same elemental signature, are separated from each other by 120 degrees on the zodiac. That’s as far apart as three points can get on a circle.

Nevertheless, distance is rendered moot by the common element of objects in trine aspect, much as conducting wires mitigate the vast expanse between electrical devices in your home and places where electricity is generated.

That’s how a nearly stationary Mars will, at its Libra pivot point, be so intimately connected with the Aquarius Moon against all odds.

The trine aspect from the Aquarius Moon to Mars at its Libra direct station is unlikely because Luna moves so quickly. Indeed, on Monday (“Moon’s day”) the Moon will be even faster than usual, clipping along at a rate of over 14 zodiac degrees per day.

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