Eye Opener — The Sun Enters Virgo

When the Sun enters Virgo at 1:07 pm EDT Wednesday, it will complete a grand mutable cross with the Gemini-Sagittarius axis of the lunar nodes and the asteroid Lilith (not to be confused with the Black Moon Lilith, which is a hypothetical point), fresh to Pisces. Rarely will a solar ingress have such meaning. If your eyes, mind and heart are open to them, profound recognitions will become evident. There is even an intriguing indication that the Divine Feminine may manifest more plainly.

Astrology by Len Wallick

That is how the Sun, illuminating through your consciousness, will express in opposition to asteroid Lilith, while square the lunar nodes, upon its entry to Virgo. Whether in substance or symbolism, the Sun is as simple as it is pervasive. Robert Hand put it best in his book Horoscope Symbols when he wrote, “The Sun represents light, consciousness, and day.” It stands to reason then, that anything opposing the Sun will be fully illuminated, literally and figuratively.

When the Moon opposes the Sun, Earth is in between them, and we call it a Full Moon precisely because the lunar side facing us is fully illuminated by the Sun ‘behind’ us. Other objects opposing the Sun symbolically emulate the Full Moon, even if they are too small, or to far away to seen without a telescope, by being fully illuminated in our consciousness. The discovery chart for the asteroid Lilith will give us some idea of what to expect when it gets lit up inside us on Wednesday.

As astrologer Marina Partridge has pointed out, “asteroid Lilith is the only Lilith that exists in physical form.” In other words, the asteroid is not the lunar apogee, a calculated point often referred to as Black Moon Lilith. Because it is a physical object not apparent except through a telescope, asteroid Lilith has a discovery chart. 

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