Eye Opener — The Sun Enters Virgo

When the Sun enters Virgo at 1:07 pm EDT Wednesday, it will complete a grand mutable cross with the Gemini-Sagittarius axis of the lunar nodes and the asteroid Lilith (not to be confused with the Black Moon Lilith, which is a hypothetical point), fresh to Pisces. Rarely will a solar ingress have such meaning. If your eyes, mind and heart are open to them, profound recognitions will become evident. There is even an intriguing indication that the Divine Feminine may manifest more plainly.

Astrology by Len Wallick

That is how the Sun, illuminating through your consciousness, will express in opposition to asteroid Lilith, while square the lunar nodes, upon its entry to Virgo. Whether in substance or symbolism, the Sun is as simple as it is pervasive. Robert Hand put it best in his book Horoscope Symbols when he wrote, “The Sun represents light, consciousness, and day.” It stands to reason then, that anything opposing the Sun will be fully illuminated, literally and figuratively.

When the Moon opposes the Sun, Earth is in between them, and we call it a Full Moon precisely because the lunar side facing us is fully illuminated by the Sun ‘behind’ us. Other objects opposing the Sun symbolically emulate the Full Moon, even if they are too small, or to far away to seen without a telescope, by being fully illuminated in our consciousness. The discovery chart for the asteroid Lilith will give us some idea of what to expect when it gets lit up inside us on Wednesday.

As astrologer Marina Partridge has pointed out, “asteroid Lilith is the only Lilith that exists in physical form.” In other words, the asteroid is not the lunar apogee, a calculated point often referred to as Black Moon Lilith. Because it is a physical object not apparent except through a telescope, asteroid Lilith has a discovery chart. 

On the chart for its discovery, asteroid Lilith is closely opposed to the Sun. That’s a feature common to discovery charts, and not very surprising. Solar system objects are easier to spot through a telescope while in opposition to the Sun. What is exceptional about the discovery chart for asteroid Lilith, especially in the context of how it will oppose the newly Virgo Sun again on Wednesday, is the astrological position of its discovery Moon.

The asteroid Lilith was first identified on February 11, 1927 from the Paris Observatory. In her chart for the sighting, Marina Partridge fixed the time of the discovery at 11 pm. The lunar position in Ms. Partridge’s chart is 28+ Gemini. You may want to take a deep breath now.

Eric has repeatedly referred to 28+ Gemini as the Atlantis Degree, “a very strange spot in the zodiac that shows up prominently in the charts for Sept. 11, the Asian tsunami of 2004, WikiLeaks, two key charts for Japan and the (Sendai) quake.” He also writes that the Atlantis Degree is often present in the charts of “people or things that raise our awareness.”

Not only is the Moon occupying the Atlantis Degree in the discovery chart for the asteroid Lilith, it is part of a grand mutable cross of its own, opposing the Galactic Core and square the opposition of Uranus and the mean lunar apogee, otherwise known as Black Moon Lilith. Such powerful aspects in its discovery chart mean that asteroid Lilith is primed and ready to raise your awareness when it is fully illuminated by the newly Virgo Sun while both are square the lunar nodes.

When an object is square the perpetually opposed lunar nodes, it is said to be ‘at the bending’, which in Eric’s words, “gives the event the feeling of an eclipse, or a point of no return.” The fresh Virgo Sun will be at what is called the South Bending. According to Mary Plumb, objects at the South Bending “signify a point of release (for) experiences that are internal and have difficulty being expressed outwardly.” If you combine Ms. Plumb’s interpretation with Eric’s and apply it to the impending solar ingress to Virgo, you may reasonably expect that you are about to experience something irrevocably coming out of the closet of awareness, manifesting in consciousness, and illuminating the point across the way.

Across the way from the newly Virgo Sun will be the North Bending. Again quoting Mary Plumb, the North Bending is where “events and experiences will manifest in the outer world.” In the context of an opposition to the Virgo Sun, those “events and experiences” would be what is emerging from your awareness, and are consistent with the nature of the asteroid Lilith, which will occupy the North Bending when the Sun enters the realm of mutable earth.

M. Kelly Hunter describes the nature of the asteroid Lilith as representing “demonized aspects of the feminine, the result of long-standing cultural projections that perceive feminine roles and attributes as shameful, untrustworthy, and dangerous.” However, its discovery chart Sun (in the words of Ms. Partridge) “gives asteroid Lilith the ability to bounce back.” It would therefore appear that a long overdue and eye-opening rebound is in the cards as part of the solar ingress to Virgo on Wednesday.

Set to rebound when the Sun enters Virgo is the divine nature of the feminine, so long demonized by a male supremacist ethic. Humanity has lived with the oppression of the Goddess for so long, it’s difficult even to imagine what it would look like to be otherwise, but we can guess. We can guess because the Divine Feminine has managed to survive in you. It has survived hidden in your awareness, waiting in your consciousness, an internal presence, difficult to express outwardly.

If you are willing to open your eyes to see them, the events you are about to experience in the outer world will provide a point of release for the truth you hold within. And once the truth is out, the only difference between you and the next person will be how you handle it. It would probably be a good idea to handle it with open eyes, an open mind and an open heart. Indications are that there will be a lot to take in.

Offered In Service

Len is available for astrology readings. You can contact him at lenwallick [at] gmail [dot] com.

12 thoughts on “Eye Opener — The Sun Enters Virgo”

  1. The asteroid Lilith oposite to the sun which is square to the axis of the Lunar nodes and the Moon in conjunction with the North node, we can choose the power Lunar which captivates our conscience the nights of the full moon
    Thanks Len for this beautiful article on the sacred women’s 🙂

  2. “While we are at it, let us also send Gratitude to all those who put so much Heart into Planet Waves every day. I love you all and couldn’t imagine doing 2012 and beyond without you”
    i second that sentiment as well Venus Rising….
    Planet Waves is like a compass on the stormy seas, keeping us and our eye on the guiding light(s) in the skies, bringing us on home
    much love to all


  3. Len,

    I meant no unkindness whatsoever to Eric. My comment was made completely in jest in playful response to his own. I think Eric is one of the most brilliant astrologers on the planet. Were it not for Eric and Planet Waves, I would still count myself among the astrologically illiterate masses, taking a quick glance at the two sentence newspaper horoscope each morning and completely forgetting what it said before even finishing my coffee. Eric has opened my eyes to an entirely new way of viewing the Universe and my life in it by actuallly giving me a blueprint from which to build. By showing me how it all moves and works together, how it all moves and works within each of us, he has helped me attain a greater capacity for Acceptance of all people and all Ways Of Being and helped me to better understand myself and those with whom I share this planet. For me, astrology is the missing link that holds the key to God/dess. “Let’s be gods this time.” (Kenny Loggins) Eric’s work with the Centaurs, asteroids, and lesser planets goes deeper than any astrologer I have yet to find, thereby taking me into Deeper and Higher places with myself and those I love. If I am at all “tuned in to the current cosmic energy profile” (thank you for that vote of confidence, Len) it is completely due to these past years trolling the pages of Planet Waves. So Yes, let us all be kind to our most generous and fearless host, as again and again he steps out of bounds and dares us, nay, invites us to join in the dance and create true, authentic lives. While we are at it, let us also send Gratitude to all those who put so much Heart into Planet Waves every day. I love you all and couldn’t imagine doing 2012 and beyond without you. From me, a special thank you to Chelsea for her bright Light and eternally smiling voice. Eric and Len, you have literally given me the Moon and the Sun and the Stars. What more could a girl ask for?

  4. Len, I thank you for this. You have given the substance of words to my experiences of the day.

    What a lovely order to things – Wednesday’s Sun will be a degree shy of my natal Pluto at 1 Virgo and a bit shyer in it’s opposition to my natal Sun and said asteroid Lilith but it’s a lovely picture nonetheless.

    I know not what happens when one light shines into another and another light shines back into the first (sun opposing sun) but as the ruler of my chart does it’s opposition dance this year, I am grateful and delighted that Lilith and the Nodes are positioned to help me make something of this half-way-to-my-solar-return moment (my half-way day was also my grandmother’s birthday).

    Well then, and all this might help explain the dreams and the sudden but not surprising revelations of deep seated ‘stuff’ that is coming to mind. As though I were being given a itemized list of “understanding” or “comprehension” of all the karmic crap that I’ve been carrying/living etc. Very interesting time.

    Thank you Len. Truly so helpful.

  5. be: Thanks a million to you. Thank you for the Demetra George quote, which is quite substantial. Yes, the evolutionary thing does indeed feel part of this mutable grand cross. Please allow me to ditto Amanda’s Kudos regarding your note of the eclipse point.

    Lyd: Thank you for being so kind with your words.

    venus rising: Thank you. Please let us all be kind to our host. i believe Eric is entitled to poetic license. As to your own words, they are inspirational and your encouragement is deeply appreciated. It appears as if you are very well tuned in to the current cosmic energy profile and your words help to tune me in as well.

    Amanda: Thank you so much for your guidance in editing today’s piece. You deserve a lot of the credit that others send my way.

    Huffy: Thank you for your observation. Catching the synchronicity is one of my prime objectives. It’s nice to know you feel it. If you look at breaking news today and the next few days, you will be able to see it.

  6. Wow Len. You always do it, write about something that is just starting to manifest for me, which appears out of the corner of my eye, so to speak. Thank you so much for this.

  7. be — thanks for emphasizing the link between the sun’s virgo ingress & the may 20 eclipse in gemini, esp with the theme of (inner) conflict resolution. that eclipse brought some fascinating insights to me.

  8. So much for Eric’s relatively boring week of astrology…..


    I have been your reading your posts for awhile now. Aside from your excellent writing skills and beautiful command of langauge, you never fail to move and inspire and open me. You are such a Light. You help us guide our boats along in navigating these very tricky astrological currents and teach us how to create Pure Magic from the Transformational Energies of these most interesting times. I always say, “We will always find our Way when we stand in Full Presence with one another….Face to Face….Heart to Heart….Soul to Soul….Eyes Wide Open….Breathing Deeply.” Still, even the best fall down sometimes and there are days when I forget my own words and so do not necessarily always offer my Best and Highest. You always remind me to Live it as I Teach it; to remain Aware; to stand in the Center of my Truth and speak it softly when needed; to be Kind always; and to keep my Heart Open, no matter what. Sometimes we forget where we put our keys. Thank you for showing us again exactly where to look this week…..right here inside our very own Hearts. Rest assured that all which is “Offered In Service” is most humbly received with the deepest of Gratitude.

    So Much Love…..

  9. Len, you have such a gift for threading your words in such a way that relevant cosmic movements seem so easy to understand. Perhaps it’s simply due to finding myself slowing down when reading your posts…there is a rhythm with your words that I love listening to.

    For me, your last two paragraphs…they be keepers.

    Many thanks Len.

  10. Ooops; guess I’ve not checked Toro lately as he just entered Cancer recently. Well a sextile to Sun and trine to asteroid Lilith can still be considered “linked”, so conflict resolutiion is still within the realm of possibility. 🙂

  11. Bless you Len. There are times when even astrology can not arouse any enthusiasm within me. I should have known you would find the one occult message in the stars that would pique my interest now. The whole business of the moon’s nodes is fascinating and their half-way bending points being contacted by actual planetary objects deserves thoughtful study. You also have reminded me that the 0 Virgo Sun squares the May 20th Eclipse at 0 Gemini, which places even more emphasis on this seemingly routine ingress of the Sun. The aspects to the nodes and to asteroid Lilith bring a promise of much depth in conscious understanding to this unfolding pattern.

    Demetra George says of Lilith in her book titled Asteroid Goddesses, that she “. . teaches us the art of consensus” and “in chart analysis a prominant Lilith displays the quality of personal independence and a refusal to submit to another or compromise one’s beliefs as well as the potential for resolution.”

    She also says that “astrologically, Lilith linked with Toro forms an intermediary step in the ‘octave’ progression between Mars and Pluto . .” I haven’t checked lately but Toro should be pretty close to the 28th degree of Gemini about now. Wouldn’t that be a delightful ‘coincidence’ if so? One day after Sun enters Virgo, Mars will enter Scorpio and be on his way to a sextile with Pluto well before the next new moon in Virgo. I’m thrilled with the thought of the possiblility of conflict resolution – in ANYTHING – in the near future, be it personal or political. Maybe this crossroad encounter between the 0 degrees of the mutable signs with Sun, Lilith and the nodes is another significant push up the evolutionary ladder. Another portal of opportunity as Black Moon Lilith also approaches her arrival at the 0 Gemini Eclipse Point. A picture of uncompromised belief systems potentially finding resolution in spite of differences does speak of a higher level of consciousness doesn’t it? Thanks a million for today’s offering Len.

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