Wetting The Tone — Mercury Enters Pisces

Mercury entered Pisces at 9:55 am EST today, where it will remain until mid-April. Mercury in Pisces has been occurring for as long as astrologers have been tracking the movements of the planets — astrology is an ancient art — but it has never been more important than it is now.

Astrology by Len Wallick

Before I get into Mercury’s latest visit to the last sign of the zodiac, I want to give a nod to the Tuesday-Friday astrology service offered by Planet Waves. Eric’s horoscopes are foremost among the new growth from astrology’s old roots. His interpretations of the Cosmos are both instructive and useful, unerringly addressing our needs now.    

As for the current sky: Mercury will remain with mutable water for so long (about two and a half months) because its first retrograde of 2013 will take place entirely through Pisces, beginning February 23, wetting the tone for the entire year. That’s not a typo. This will be a fluid year. The only setting will be in motion. Mercury’s motion this week will be a good time to begin thinking that way.

Fluid thinking means not being rigid, either intellectually or emotionally. This year, the established order will need to revise its standards. As part of that revision, you will be called upon to be creative.

Being creative often entails going through discomfort with a purpose. With sincere respect to those who choose hairshirts and the like, that is not to say discomfort should be your purpose. It is to say that finding a better way often takes you through the uncomfortable territory of releasing strong attachments to what does not work anymore. That requires integrating intellect with emotion.

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