Solar Return — The Vernal Equinox

The Sun enters Aries at 7:02 am EDT tomorrow, returning to the beginning of the zodiac. It will be a vernal equinox — it’s like the personal solar return on your birthday, only for the entire Earth and everyone on it. The astrology of the Aries equinox anticipates the year to come, and you can keep tabs on that year to come as it develops by following the prescient horoscopes of Eric Francis and Genevieve Hathaway (also known as Brother Sun and Sister Moon) available through a Planet Waves membership every week.

Astrology by Len Wallick

Just as with every year, the vernal equinox will take place at the same time for every being on Earth. Furthermore, during the days on either side of that moment, the Sun’s day and light will be equally allotted to all.

Each return of the Sun to the Aries Point (as the first degree of cardinal Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn are known) also precipitates a new season. While the nature of each season is consistent from one year to the next, the astrology that accompanies each solar re-visitation is unique. On the Aries equinox this year, the emphasis on what you have in common with every other being on the planet will go beyond a concurrent and equal experience of daylight to include water, as symbolized by the position of the Moon.

The Moon’s watery Cancer position when the Sun returns to Aries will amplify a major theme of this year’s astrology — elemental water. For ancient natural science, water included both its literal and archetypal manifestations. Literal water is what you drink, as well as the clouds in the sky, the ice on the poles, and what defines the rivers, lakes and oceans of our planet. Without it, your life would be impossible.

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