Your Song — Venus Enters Aries

I hope you don’t mind that I put down in words how wonderful life is while you’re in the world.
— Elton John and Bernie Taupin

Venus enters Aries at 11:15 pm EDT tonight to help you sing your song. The melody has been there all along, but the words have been left to you. If you need somebody else to hum a few bars so that you can remember the tune, a good horoscope can help.

Astrology by Len Wallick

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The words to your own song may very well begin coming to you after Venus enters the cardinal fire. It will probably start as a funny feeling inside, but not the kind of funny to laugh at, or ignore.

In order to find your voice, you must first be receptive of it. The receptive, in all of its manifestations, is one of the main ways Venus works in your life. Many people find it easier to give than to receive. Have no doubt, the act of giving is important and essential, but incomplete in and of itself.

After all, without anybody willing to receive, that which you have and need to give would have nowhere to go. Keeping the world receptive begins, as so many things do, with your relationship to yourself. It may sound overly simple, but that’s how it’s done.

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