Emergence — Venus Enters Gemini

Why in the world are we here? Surely not to live in pain and fear.
— John Lennon

Venus enters Gemini, the scene of its June 5, 2012 solar transit, this Thursday at 11:03 am EDT. This year, instead of crossing the face of the Sun during its tour of mutable air, Venus will be emerging from behind solar glare, returning to visibility in the western dusk later this month. With extraordinary timing, Venus will thus encourage some emergence of your own.

Astrology by Len Wallick

If anything distinguishes Thursday’s Venusian departure from the Taurus field it rules, it has to be the timing. The implication is that there is some value to be found in starting a conversation before the solar eclipse.

A Taurus New Moon and solar eclipse will take place less than 10 hours after Venus leaves the Sun, Moon, Mercury and Mars to mind its store.

That’s almost like leaving sex early to avoid traffic or take an important call. Yet, if there is any pattern in how Venus manifests in your life, it is to illuminate, emphasize and prioritize values.

For the most part, values involve deep, subjective feelings. It is easier to adamantly assert values than discuss them objectively. Heaven forbid you should change your mind. Who knows what that would lead to. Nevertheless, the single most important theme behind this particular ingress of Venus into Gemini appears to be precisely that. 

If there is anything to astrology, you should make it your priority this week to step back from your most heartfelt attachments and see how well they stand on their own. It’s a win-win proposition. If what you hold sacred remains upright without your having to hold it up, that will be good news. If what turns out to be a house of cards topples upon mere examination, you will be able to count yourself lucky that you were standing outside the house when it happened. What more could you ask?

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