Crusin’ — Mars Trine Neptune

You may have already sensed Mars cruising through its Scorpio domain toward Thursday’s 8:13 am EDT (12:13 UT) water trine with Neptune, which is in its own Pisces rulership. Mars aspects do tend to go off prematurely. Nevertheless, now would be a good time to check, and possibly correct, your own course.

Astrology by Len Wallick

If it’s not exciting to be a conscious self-evaluator now, that’s just the point. The cosmic currents of this Martian trine to Neptune imply more stimulation than awareness.

This is not to say energetic Mars building to a flowing, uninhibited connection with heady Neptune has you crusin’ for a proverbial bruisin’ — not at all.

It is to say that you should look at where your energy, your flow, and whatever you are caught up in now are taking you. It’s unlikely anybody else will be minding your heading for you because nearly all of us are in similarly engaged boats.

You can start with breaking the watery Mars-Neptune trine down a bit, and examine its parts so as to better appreciate the dynamic whole. A good place to begin is being aware of how long it has been since something like this has happened.

Mars only entered Scorpio about 10 days ago. Up until then, Mars had been working back and forth all this year through the labors of its long Libra retrograde.

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