Closer Reflection — Aquarius Full Moon

To honor the Aquarius Full Moon at 2:09 pm EDT Sunday (18:09 UT), you may want to pause for closer reflection. Consider taking a few moments away from it all. Focus on what is urgent for you personally. The more mundane, the better — especially any issue you have distanced yourself from.

Astrology by Len Wallick

Try not to fear the confrontation inherent in every form of reflection. It’s no more than looking in a mirror. It’s only light received from a perspective opposed to its origin.

Try to relax instead. Take air in slowly, deeply and consciously. Feel how deliberate breathing helps you relax. Then, take your most pressing concerns in as you did the air.

The mental construct incorporating air and closer reflection has to do with where the Moon will be on Sunday, both on the tropical zodiac, and in its actual orbit.

The astrological Moon will be in airy Aquarius when it is opposed by the fiery Leo Sun. The Sun and Moon in the same degree of opposing signs defines a Full Moon on the zodiac.

The actual object we call the Moon will also be about as close to Earth as it ever gets because, during Sunday’s Full Moon, Luna will be very close to the part of its orbit called its perihelion (or perigee).

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