Out Of Sight — Gemini New Moon

The Gemini New Moon just before Noon EDT Saturday, like all New Moons, will be out of sight. It will not be the only such event in the astrology this weekend. If there is anything to the proverb “As above, so below,” the next several days will not be about appearances. Rather, you will be entering an auspicious time to observe and cultivate nascent developments to your inner life.

Astrology by Len Wallick

An inner life is a valuable resource. Like all resources, you need to be aware of it, and take care of it. That’s especially so now, on an implied threshold of cycles, shifts and crossings taking place out of sight above and below.

Above you, some new cycles are about to set in. Foremost among them is the start of a lunation — the period of time from one New Moon to the next.

Every lunation begins with the Moon moving between Earth and the Sun, out of sight in the solar glare. That phenomenon explains how New Moons are an appropriate time to begin new cycles of your own by simply being aware of the resources your inner life offers. Among them are contemplation, meditation and imagination. Simple awareness can in turn lead to appreciation. That’s a major inner shift, and it corresponds to a shift about to take place above you.

Out of sight above you, an important hypothetical point is on the threshold of a rare and major shift from one sign to another. The mean lunar apogee (otherwise known as mean Black Moon Lilith) enters Cancer about 6 am EDT Sunday.

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