Big Things — Jupiter Opposite Galactic Core

Jupiter opposes the core of our galaxy for the first time since June 2001, shortly before 1 am EDT Thursday. At the same time, the largest planet will complete a mutable cross without historical precedent. The Jupiter-Galactic Core axis of the grand cross indicates big things are imminent.

Astrology by Len Wallick

Unlike 2001, the immense immanence implied is more eminent than infamous — thanks to the other half of the cross configuration. That comprises an opposition from Pisces to Virgo between Salacia and Makemake, which indicates what we may yet grow to become — and where that growth must take place.

The last time Jupiter was closing its Gemini tour with an opposition to Sagittarius’s Galactic Core, infamy was at at hand. Just over two months later, the world was purloined into the impoverishment of perpetual war.

Now, as Jupiter returns to reflect the center of our celestial neighborhood, it’s an auspicious time for you to reflect as well. As Jupiter’s year in mutable air reaches its last fortnight before ingress to Cancer on June 26, to whom will the remaining years of your precious life belong? Beyond that, how will you emulate Jupiter by growing into what you must be?

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