Late Leo, plus Sun Virgo and Mars conjunct Saturn

Thanks for bearing with the slow updates of Daily Astrology (and for my clients, the pause in SMS messages). I’m currently in one of those tight curves that included finishing Good as Gold, leaving town for a few days, then returning to many horoscope deadlines packed into a few days. I cover the current astrology in the new edition of Planet Waves FM, which mainly consists of the Sun ingressing Virgo Saturday, then the combined aspects of the Virgo New Moon and Mars conjunct Saturn on Monday.

I will repeat what I’ve been saying about Mars-Saturn in a diversity of places — “Do not let any matter that might be a confrontation come to blows. The best martial artist knows how to avoid a fight, or only take it as far as nobody getting hurt. A martial artist knows how to work with the flow of energy and not against it.”

This is indeed martial astrology. But being in Scorpio, there is a sexual attribute to this setup. This has been building for a while, focused by Saturn in Scorpio. There are of course many manifestations of this, but you can think of it as an iceberg lurking just below the level of the emotional waters. It’s the thing you run into when you want to express yourself sexually. It’s the hidden obstacle, the temporarily out-of-sight issue.

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