An invitation to a Planet Waves Brain Trust: Beyond the Concepts of Subscription or Membership

Photo by Eric Francis.
Photo by Eric Francis.

Good afternoon cousins,

I’m inviting you into a Brain Trust on a key issue — I believe we need a concept beyond “subscription” or “membership” to describe a commitment to Planet Waves and what we are offering to the community.

Neither of these describe Planet Waves at all. I know there is a better way to describe an energy exchange and the mutual support that we are about.

The idea paying a subscription fee, which is a commitment, needs to be seen in context of something much larger. It must convey more than a membership or a product. Planet Waves is not a “thing.” It is a point of view, an orientation on existence, a journey, a commitment to oneself and also to something larger than oneself.

The idea, phrase or language needs to convey what we actually offer:

— Life-affirming, timely information, professionally prepared.

— In an era of disinformation, agenda-driven “messaging.”

— In a time of global crisis — both individual and collective; social and political; where health and environmental concerns are no longer an option or luxury: they are necessities.

— Where everyone is welcome to contribute.

— Sponsored by the community, rather than by corporate advertisers — offering true freedom of thought and accountability.

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