Today is a big day. We have the Mars-Saturn conjunction in Scorpio, in the sign of Mars’ classical rulership. Mars is the night ruler of the water signs, another strong association to Scorpio. And we also have the Virgo New Moon. It’s always possible to spot new cycles in astrology; there are plenty of them. But there are none so powerful as conjunctions, and we have two of them today.

For reference, the Moon ingresses Virgo at 5:32 am EDT (09:32 UTC). The New Moon is at 10:13 am EDT (14:12 UTC). Mars is conjunct Saturn at 3:30 pm EDT (19:30 UTC).
Note, this happens right on the heels of the Venus-Jupiter cycle turning over, in Leo. The solar system is still vibrating with the beauty of that meeting.
The Mars-Saturn cycle is one of those highly energetic ones, especially with the extra mojo of Mars in Scorpio. It is a Get Things Done combination. Most of the old-fashioned astrologers have turned people against this aspect. They forgot that we are in the phase of humanistic astrology, where all aspects can be be useful, and when an astrologer’s job is to see the purpose of any of them. This one is very useful.
Yes, there can be a degree of frustration, especially if one is already struggling, or you got on the ‘wrong side’ of the energy. Then, it’s time to stop, and allow the Mars-Saturn cycle to reset. That’s what a conjunction is.
To my eye, this aspect is about bold determination. It is Mars, fully energizing Saturn. It is Mars, bringing desire to a place of hesitation. It is Saturn, focusing Mars with an element of discipline. It is desire, focused within a structure. It’s rather erotic, in the power play sense of that idea. In this respect, Mars-Saturn is an exploration of tension and release. Everyone likes that. If you want to breathe easier, admit to yourself exactly what you want to do, and exactly who you want to do it with.
This happens the same day as the Virgo New Moon. There is a word in Yiddish: Mitzvah. This means a few things, including a moral commandment from God, a moral deed performed as religious duty, or an act of human kindness. I roll all three into one concept — an ordained blessing. That’s what the Virgo New Moon simultaneously with Mars-Saturn suggests.