Cancer New Moon of 6/27: Last Moments of the Cardinal Grand Cross, plus Jupiter conjunct Varuna

Friday at 4:08 am EDT, the Moon and the Sun form a conjunction in the sign Cancer — also called the Cancer New Moon. This is the last moment of the cardinal grand cross of 2014. All of the planets involved remain in their signs associated with the grand cross (that changes in July). The Moon-Sun conjunction on Friday followed by the Moon-Sun opposition (the Capricorn Full Moon) on July 12 are the last major events emphasizing this potent, assertive, pioneering cardinal cross energy.

Crescent appears over Greece soon after the New Moon on June 3, 2008. Photo by Anthony Ayiomamitis.
Crescent appears over Greece soon after the New Moon on June 3, 2008. Photo by Anthony Ayiomamitis.

Combined with Mercury retrograde, this is the message to complete projects begun in late 2013 and through the first half of 2014 — and get ready for something new. In the current astrological cluster, I’ve already mentioned Venus square Neptune and Jupiter conjunct Varuna.

One of the key concepts in this chart involved deception and the honoring of agreements. It’s easy to make agreements and less easy to keep them. Jupiter conjunct Varnua, exact in the sign Cancer on the day of the New Moon, calls for a bit of comment. This conjunction comes up in two important historic charts — the horoscope for the Sept. 11, 2001 incident, and the horoscope for the Tonkin Gulf Resolution, which started the Vietnam War. So far as I understand them, these were false flag incidents that led to the United States’ involvement in its two longest wars.

An astrologer who goes by the name Eric Starwalker wrote to me and said, “I associate Varuna with the archetype of the archangel Michael. This is an example of the shadow side of the use of the sword in the name of a righteous cause.”

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