Solstice New Moon, in Cancer

The New Moon in Cancer (which was exact Friday at 4:08:28 am EDT) is the one closest to the northern solstice. Earlier today, prepping the 2015 annual, I was looking at the Capricorn New Moon, which happens just under six months from now and on the day of the southern solstice, Dec. 21. The current New Moon happens at 5+ Cancer, in a grouping of planets that includes asteroids Iris and Isis, centaur Thereus and hypotheticals Hades and Kronos. The aspect pattern also includes Uranus in Aries plus Pluto in Capricorn (the Uranus-Pluto square). Mars is making its way through the the second half of Libra at the moment, currently opposite Uranus and about to make a series of conjunctions to Vesta, Ceres and the North Node before moving on to Scorpio on July 25.

The current New Moon and corresponding Capricorn Full Moon in two weeks are the last moments of the cardinal grand cross energy we’ve been living with all year. Between these two events you will get some confirmation of what you’ve learned, whether and how you’ve mastered your lessons and some ideas about where you want to go from here. Mars ingressing Scorpio and Jupiter ingressing Leo will create the sensation of ‘a whole new year’ within the current year. I’ve previewed this in tonight’s subscriber edition of Planet Waves, available with any subscription or membership (including a free trial offer or on the other end of the spectrum, the All-Access Pass). The edition includes the July extended monthly forecast for all signs and rising signs.

The chart below is the New Moon, set for the astrologer’s location in Kingston, New York, USA. This is the chart I’ve used for the July Inner Space Horoscope, and which I’ll be using for the forthcoming Cancer birthday reading, which will be available next week. That reading is still available for the pre-order price of $29.95 — full price will be $49.95 once the reading publishes after the weekend.

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