You are your missing piece

Welcome to new readers who found your way here from Coast to Coast AM. If you’d like to read more about Tuesday’s transit of Venus, here are a few of my favorite articles that cover the territory.

If you happened to miss the interview, here’s a short sample —

In the story left for us by ancient lore masters (known as the zodiac), Gemini is the first sign in the sequence that depicts the human form. It’s difficult to miss that the first human sign depicts not one but two critters, whom we are told are twins.

Gemini coloring twins from a digital coloring book called
Gemini coloring twins from a digital coloring book called

Yet in the symbolic language spoken by astrology, this image seems to be a metaphor for the divided nature of consciousness: soul and ego, body and mind, light side and dark side, inner adult and inner child, animal and human — we could go on for a while with these seeming inner divisions. Seeming divisions, though not without effects — many people feel divided against themselves, and it’s no shock why: numerous influences are exploiting our weaknesses and our lack of self-knowledge, and playing various ‘us vs. them’ games that serve mainly to weaken us as individuals and collectively.

One manifestation of inner division is all those people roaming the world searching for their missing piece. Has anyone not been there at some point? The belief that someone else will make us a complete person is different from wanting companionship. I’m talking about the sensation of feeling less than whole, combined with the expectation of being completed by another person.

It’s risky business, in part because any relationship with that as its premise is likely to be a little shaky, and thus not such a great place to fulfill that purpose — unless, of course, it throws you back on yourself (which sooner or later, it will) and you have no choice but to find yourself (which you will do sooner or later).

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