The Moon and the Sagittarius Cluster

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Your Daily Astrology for Thursday, July 10, 2014

Between now and July 10 at 11:24 pm EDT (July 11 at 3:24 UTC) when the Moon ingresses Capricorn, it will be transiting the corner of the sky with numerous centaurs, slow-moving outer planets and two deep space points — the Great Attractor and the Galactic Core. Since the Moon often represents emotional and physical sensation, this may present challenges to some whose density leans toward the solid end of the spectrum. Yet Sagittarius itself is psychically buoyant and it’s possible to reach some of the subtler levels as the Moon makes a series of conjunctions — first to the Great Attractor and asteroid (3811) Karma between now and midnight EDT, then some hours later to Ixion, Pholus, Charkilo, Amycus, Quaoar and Hylonome. These are not asteroids but rather planets closer to what you might recognize with energy similar to Chiron and Pluto — the deeper sort of contact, demanding attention and focus and calling forth the intention of healing.

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