Pisces Full Moon, Conjunct Chiron

Friday is the Pisces Full Moon; however we’re under its full effects now. The Moon is waxing fast, though in my interpretation the full phase takes hold when the Moon ingresses Pisces Thursday at 6:31 pm EDT.

Full Moon at the Parthenon. Photo by Anthony Ayiomamitis / Perseus.gr

It will be in Aquarius before then, making a conjunction to a centaur planet called Nessus. This is a caution to be mindful of group dynamics. Groups of any kind can be insidious. A collection of perfectly nice people can turn into a raging, judgmental asshole if enough of them give up their individuality.

This is happening under the influence of the Moon moving toward full polarity, so there is likely to be some extra emotional and psychic pressure on. The key to the Moon-Nessus conjunction is to know when your emotional reaction is being influenced, swayed or dictated by a group of people around you (including on the Internet, which is an Aquarius thing). Keep your individuality and don’t give away your power.

Friday’s Full Moon is potent, though subtle. Anytime the Moon is conjunct Chiron, there’s an alchemical process going on, as if the physical level merges with the energy level in an obvious way. Most people feel this as intensity (a nondescript term), including responding to others with Moon conjunct Chiron in their natal chart as if they’re too hot to handle. Now this effect is going to be broadcast all over the world.

Yet it’s happening Pisces style, which brings in the realm of the imagination. The Pisces piece comes from both the Moon itself plus its conjunctions to Chiron and also to Neptune. The effect is to provide a conduit for focused creative expression, which will be guided by intuition. True creativity always is; no matter what the discipline involved, the creative leap happens on the level of imagination.

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