Aries Moon Rings True (to Yourself)

The Aries Full Moon is still ringing, just like the whole Earth vibrates like a bell after a big quake. The Moon is still in Aries, after passing through full phase Saturday night — making a conjunction to outer-planet Uranus and a square to Pluto. If people have been acting a little strange, or if they seem like they can’t take the heat, that’s a typical reaction to a Full Moon. But this was no typical Full Moon — it’s been extra energized.

Aries Full Moon on Saturday night, rising over the Griffith Park Observatory in Los Angeles. Photo by Lizanne Webb.
Aries Full Moon on Saturday night, rising over the Griffith Park Observatory in Los Angeles. Photo by Lizanne Webb.

If you’re feeling on edge or like you cannot sleep, that may begin to taper off after the Moon ingresses Taurus later today [at 7:26 pm EDT, after being void of course for a while, which it now is as of this edit Monday morning]. Till then the psychic environment may have an assertive, pushy or even aggressive feeling. One aspect that characterizes this is the Moon’s approaching conjunction to Eris, a Pluto-like planet (Kuiper object) that’s spending a long, long time in late Aries.

That conjunction is exact at about 4:16 am EDT. It might feel a bit combative; you may even be getting weary of anger, or of pushing anything, or of interpersonal issues. If you are, remind yourself of that and make decisions that fit with your emerging values.

What’s interesting is that the Moon, while conjunct Eris, is opposite Mercury and Saturn in Libra. (We are on a kind of Saturn alert, as it changes signs to Scorpio later this week.) So that polarized energy that a Full Moon comes with is finding additional sources of expression, even as it’s still in a loose — but very much present — opposition to the early Aries Sun.

Meanwhile, this is a good time to consider what you’ve been through the past few days and ask where you think you’re headed. The sky is brimming with potential right now; the Uranus-Pluto square (which the Full Moon ‘activated’ or brought to the foreground this weekend) is a big invitation to move your life along. That said, some may be experiencing this as conflict, tension and challenges.

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