Sun-Psyche — and a short period comet outburst

Short-period comet 168/P, currently very close to the Sun. It was discovered by American astronomer Carl W. Hergenrother, who first noted the comet using the facilities of the Catalina Sky Survey in 1998 (its previous visit was in 2005). The comet is currently at 65.5 million km away from Earth. Photos by Anthony Ayiomamitis.
Short-period comet 168/P, currently very close to the Sun. It was discovered by American astronomer Carl W. Hergenrother, who first noted the comet using the facilities of the Catalina Sky Survey in 1998 (its previous visit was in 2005). The comet is currently at 65.5 million km away from Earth. Photos by Anthony Ayiomamitis.

This week the Sun is in a long conjunction with Psyche, one of the top 10 most massive asteroids in the main belt between Mars and Jupiter. First noted way back in 1852, it was the 16th asteroid ever discovered, hence it’s properly called (16) Psyche.

Thematically, it’s also one of the most interesting, and describes much of our spiritual condition at this point in history: the struggle for soul contact, having faith in oneself, or even acknowledging one’s own existence. As a point of background remember that the Sun-Psyche conjunction happens in Libra, so there will be a relationship focus.

Greetings from Southwest Flight 1965, Sea-Tac to Midway. WiFi on jet liners is pretty derned cool.
Greetings from Southwest Flight 1965, Sea-Tac to Midway. WiFi on jet liners is pretty derned cool.

Said in a more complex way, Psyche is the state of mind which might lead you to believe that you’re psychologically injured and that there is no way out. (It also relates to head injuries.) We have a lot of this going around lately — for example, many people carry a psychiatric diagnosis, mainly as a prerequisite for being prescribed some form of medication.

A good few people have taken this path believing that they don’t really have a viable option; we need to get through the day, keeping above water. The obvious question, though, involves the long-term healing prospects. Too often, meds are given outside the context of therapy, and come with the idea that the person will need them for life. Is this really true? Have you considered your options? What are your medium and long-range plans? If you’re experiencing depression or anxiety, at a certain point you will actually have to address the underlying causes. The question Psyche is asking is whether you believe that’s possible.

More often, Psyche can represent the feeling of being unable to connect with the deeper part of yourself, or struggling for faith in yourself. This often manifests in relationships as choosing people who somehow reflect that lack of faith, who seem psychologically or spiritually injured, or where there is a ‘locked-in’ experience of codependency in the relationship.

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