The Dawn of a New Baktun – and Piktun

Beginning with an aside, I realize that some of my esteemed astrology colleagues are talking about the nonexistent galactic alignment that didn’t happen Friday, as if it did happen. Someone even wrote to me and said, to see the alignment you have to be off of the Earth — which, if you’re talking about astrology, defeats the point. Um, like, entirely.

There were these two Mayan guys talking one day…

Now, I ask you, why do we need a galactic alignment when the point of the Mayan calendar is a positively gorgeous day count? That’s the whole idea…they counted days. They worked in long spans of time. That’s how they did calendars, one of which, a 260-day cycle (the tzolkin), could keep you busy for years studying and working with and exploring it. The galactic association is what I would call an intellectual construction.

But I will not rant; I will not go against the misinformed marketing concepts of my most beloved colleagues. I may even be wrong; I know of no past lives as a Mayan mathematician-shaman/daykeeper. I have, however, long been marveling at the beauty of the day count method, which is organized (among other measures) in 144,000 day spans, one of which ended Friday and another one of which began Saturday.

The one that ended Friday was the 13th [see article from Friday, That Was One Heck of a Baktun], which began in Sept. 1618. The baktun that ended Friday began at the dawn of the colonial age, when corporations became as powerful as governments.

Saturday began the 14th baktun, which ends in 2406. We have many problems deriving from colonialism that we need to resolve, including the fact that corporations are doing a fine job of colonizing the New World known as our minds. I say in the 14th baktun it’s time to claim back that territory.

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