Sun Void, Uranus-Pluto and a Leo Week for the Ages

Leo remains in the spotlight this week, though that last hurrah of the cardinal grand cross is still working itself out. Tuesday at 5:41 pm EDT (21:41 UTC) the Sun ingresses Leo, the fixed fire sign and in many respects the core of the zodiac. Jupiter has just arrived in that sign, so the Sun’s ingress is a Sun-Jupiter conjunction. This is all heading toward the Leo New Moon on Saturday, which means we get Leo in many flavors and colors this week. I’ll cover that very interesting chart in more detail later in the week and in Thursday’s subscriber edition.

Before we get to the Sun’s ingress into the new sign, it’s still completing its run through Cancer, and by my reckoning is now void of course. The Sun has completed its square to Mars and is now done making aspects to other planets until it’s seated in its sign of rulership, which is of course Leo. So we get a moment of what you might think of as solar drift. This may have the feeling of a pause, or of an opening where something unusual or special can come through. An opening is a vulnerability, though I suggest you observe without being defensive, pay attention and see what you notice. For example, notice what opportunities you have and how you respond to them.

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