Focus: Mars Square Saturn

The aspect to watch at the moment is Mars in Aquarius building up to a square to Saturn. This is a high-pressure aspect, as if Mars by its sheer force of will is trying to move something much larger than itself. This could be the source of considerable frustration if it’s not handled right. The exact date of this aspect is Monday, Jan. 7, and it’s in full effect up to and a little beyond that time.

Saturn as seen from Hubble Space Telescope.

The square is one in a category of aspects, which astrologers call “hard aspects” — that’s a pun, because they do tend to be mentally or emotionally challenging, though the “hard” reference means they are of the 90-degree type: conjunction (two or more planets in the same place), square (two planets at a right angle), opposition (two planets facing one another). They are similar, though with different modes of expression. There are other derivatives of these (such as the semi-square); no need to go into them now.

Mars makes a square to Saturn about once a year. This is the first time it’s making a square to Saturn newly in Scorpio. (Note, the last Mars-Saturn square was Aug. 25, 2011, and there was a long gap because of the Mars retrograde of early 2012.) One distinctive property of this square is that Saturn is in a sign ruled by Mars; so in a sense, Mars is up against some of its own inner psychological resistance. This is a challenging setup.

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