Jealousy and the Human Condition

Today Juno is conjunct Pluto in Capricorn. This is the first such conjunction in Capricorn, where Pluto has been for four years. The prior conjunction was Oct. 30, 2008 in the last degree of Sagittarius, shortly before Pluto changed signs and a week before Barack Obama was elected. So factoring in Capricorn, tonight’s conjunction is something that no living person has experienced.

Photo by Eric Francis – Book of Blue, New York.

I’ve been writing a lot about Juno the past couple of months, mainly because the Sun was conjunct this asteroid in the 12/21/12 chart that was supposed to have heralded the end of the world.

In that chart, the Sun and Juno were both square another asteroid, Atlantis, which actually has the theme of “the end” as well as the chilling fears that can manifest when there is the sensation that we are abusing our power in some way. Atlantis lurks like a reminder in the collective conscience that there are consequences to our actions, particularly if they are both destructive and conscious. One result of that lurking is projecting the fear outward as a sense of doom.

Yet Atlantis in the 12/21/12 chart was commenting not on technological power, nuclear bombs, or politicians using the debt ceiling to hold the American public hostage to their absurd positions — it was commenting on relationships, and the marriage model in particular, as being a focal point of saving the planet.

Actually that is fine with me, since it’s something that we can actually do something about. We have total influence over our relationships, if we want, though there is a lot of historical momentum carrying us forward. Now Juno has moved about 8 degrees since the solstice, and it’s conjunct Pluto, which is legendary in its power to change things.

It looks like Juno has met her match: this is a moment of change or die. About what? Juno represents marriage and in Capricorn, the social structure of marriage. That is indeed changing at this time in history; though it’s common sense to some, it’s pretty significant that gay and lesbian couples can now marry. (You know we’re really making progress when bisexual people can marry a man and a woman.)

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