Beyond Mars-Nessus, a Frontier

Part two in this series is called Tools for the Frontier.

For many, this weekend’s Mars-Nessus conjunction succeeded at bringing up many deep, personal issues to awareness. The Full Moon shining across the Leo-Aquarius axis helped bring things to light. Full Moons increase contrast and can help us to see in the dark.

Photo by Eric Francis.

If what I am hearing from readers, friends and clients is representative of anything, deep material has been coming to the surface, and there is growing awareness that sexual healing is a subject that must come into focus.

(You may scan back over the Daily Astrology feature for more background, and I covered the territory in some depth in the most recent Planet Waves FM. I will continue in the forthcoming edition of PW FM as well.)

Mercury is now in mid-Aquarius and is also heading for a conjunction to Nessus. That happens Feb. 2, as the Sun reaches its peak in Aquarius. Mercury approaching Nessus over the next week is likely to focus the the discussion in an even more conscious way than Mars did, and shift the theme to communication.

In a nice dash of cosmic wit, the Sun and Nessus are conjunct on Valentine’s Day. By that time, Venus will also be in Aquarius, covering the same territory though from a more emotional perspective. Venus makes a conjunction to Nessus on Feb. 25.

Meanwhile, planets are heading for Pisces and a series of conjunctions to Neptune and Chiron, deepening access to the emotional realms. We are going to be here for a while.

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