Tools for the Frontier

In yesterday’s edition of Daily Astrology [Beyond Mars-Nessus, a Frontier], I described the frontier of inner awareness and sexual healing that we can now face. For today I promised some practical ideas for how to be in this territory — what you can think of as tools that might be useful entering this new terrain.

Photo by Eric Francis – Blue Studio, New York.

I have learned these tools along my own healing journey, and collected them from many sources, inner and outer. Some go back a very long way. Before I begin, here is a moment of self-disclosure. I am in an active process of healing aspects of my sexuality, involving this lifetime, certain prior lifetimes and going back some generations in my family.

Gradually one shifts one’s orientation in sexual healing from one of being willing to face shadow material to a social, creative and loving foundation. While I think that’s the general direction of travel, I recognize and honor the necessity to approach what is unpleasant, and to find love and healing there. Part of this may simply be about not internalizing the thought form that it’s ‘wrong’ to consider what is unpleasant.

A Course in Miracles goes to some lengths to impress on students how it’s necessary to bring the shadow to the light rather than bringing the light into the shadow. I would describe that as a general direction of travel as well. My approach to healing is part spiritual, part practical and part psychological.

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