Welcome to new readers

Dear Friend and Reader:

If you’re one of our new visitors from Yahoo in Australia (thank you Yasmin Boland for referring us basically your entire readership), you’ve landed at Planet Waves.

Eric Francis, founder & publisher.
Eric Francis, founder & publisher.

You were probably expecting an astrology website, which we are, at our core. Yet we do a lot more: lately, we publish an enormous amount of original political and financial coverage, some of it rooted in astrology and most of it in facts and common sense. At other times we put our energy into sexuality and new relationship models, and at other times into art; but there is always the heartbeat of astrology pulsing below the surface, or right at the surface.

We are funded by our subscribers, who mainly sign up for our online magazine, Planet Waves Astrology News. My horoscopes (published in both weekly, plus four times monthly formats) appear there, as does the best of my writing every week. It is true — most websites give away the horoscopes; we charge for them, and thousands of readers are happy to participate in that. We also have an annual edition. For 2008 it was called Small World Stories. For 2009 it will be called Next World Stories (look for news in November about that).

Whenever someone new subscribes, we ask them why they signed up. Read below for a response we got from a reader yesterday. It’s written to Chelsea, our business manager, who you can call directly at (877) 453-8265.

Thanks for dropping in. Scan around this blog and the rest of the site and see what you discover. Samples of our subscriber edition are at the top left, and also reprinted here from time to time. If you’d like to know more, drop a note to info@planetwaves.net.

Very truly yours

Eric Francis

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