The Last Big Debate: Greetings from Long Island

Hellooo…it’s your old pal Eric Francis watching the debate with friends at Dominick’s Cafe in Kingston, New York…home of grandma’s Italian cooking…Rachel and Genevieve and Dominick are here; we’re in a kind of parlor between the restaurant and the hair salon that Dominick also owns. And we’re not really in Long Island, the debate is. Refresh this page for updates. And speaking of Herbie Hoover, here is Archie Bunker on Democrats.


Okay, John, to blame Freddie and Fannie is an oversimplification. This problem is about a lot more than mortgages. McCain looks so confused, I wouldn’t want him driving me someplace in a car.


Joe the Plumber, are you out there? Call my cell at 797-3359.


The plumber, the firefighter, the nurse, the sexworker, the Mona Vie salesman…we’re working for you.


I am already in agony from listening to John McCain’s voice. Can I watch this anywhere with captioning? Or translated into Esperanto?


Did anyone see the piece in the New York Times today about how the $700 billion bailout could cost as much as $2.25 trillion? “All told, the potential cost to the government of the latest bailout package comes to $2.25 trillion, triple the size of the original $700 billion rescue. . .”

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