Solstice: It’s been getting dark out there

Hey there…

This phenomenon of the days getting shorter seems to get worse every year. At of this writing we’re about 12 hours away from the Sun’s ingress into Capricorn [exact at 7:04 am EST on Sunday], after which the days get longer for us in the Northern Hemisphere. You may not feel like you can feel this fact, a mere four minutes of extra light a day; but think of it as a big machine — the starry dynamo of the night — switching directions. This, we can feel. And not only do the days get longer, the compression effect of them getting shorter stops.

I clicked on Planet Waves (which is 10 years old as of the solstice) earlier and read that the asteroid Atlantis moved into Capricorn today; it is conjunct Pluto and the Sun in the solstice chart for tomorrow morning. To me this hints that the issue of technology will be one of the most significant of the next four or more seasons.

This also means that Atlantis is around the neighborhood of the coming Cap New Moon, which is a very complex chart and I know that two of our astrologers, Genevieve and Shanna, have both been wrestling with it a bit to create interpretations where we use this energy constructively instead of getting caught in the apparent negativity. I cover it in this issue of the Planet Waves subscriber edition, Astrology News, called The Capricorn Point.

This alignment in early Cap is interesting from a Mayan astrology viewpoint. The theme of Atlantis speaks to the “leap beyond technology” that our main Mayan mythmaker, Jose Arguelles, has been injecting into the culture for years. Atlantis is less about the leap and more about what happens when we become the product of our technology rather than being its creators.

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