Sun in Pisces: Matters of the Heart

Chart from my work on Listen for the Sun ingressing Pisces.

First a shout-out to my Pisces cousins. We are in a positively tremendous moment, with numerous traditional planets and a good few recent discoveries in our sign.

Pisces tends to be the thing that the world wants the most but does the least to encourage. Everyone loves music; most people discourage their children from being musicians. Everyone loves art. Same deal with that. The trillions of dollars that go into bombs and aircraft carriers — heck, the $1.8 million that pays for one missile — could pay for a lot of art, music, theater, sound, color and meditation.

Yes it’s true that the people who want the very most badly to establish themselves in these fields almost always go through tribulation and uncertainty to get there, and it’s a weeding out process. Yet it also blocks many who deserve attention, and hardens the hearts of many whom we say we respect for their sensitivity.

People with strong Pisces in their charts know the world needs to be softer, more embracing of vulnerability, and needs to take better care of kids and critters. There is a natural empathy and populism to this sign that we need to encourage and which we also need to remember is easy to corrupt.

For those with strong Pisces charts, the world feels like a safer, friendlier place when planets concentrate in the water signs and especially in Pisces, and that’s what’s happening now.

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