Hebe in the chart of Palestine Independence

Dear Friend and Reader:

I want to check in with my astrological discovery of the day regarding the chart of the Palestinian independence declaration.

On one level, despite my pro-Israeli bias (I admit to still being in love with Golda Meir), what is happening now is truly a massacre of abused, starved people driven to hate their oppressors. But there is so much in the Palestinian chart about self-inflicted injuries, amorality and tribal madness that I am inclined to think this story really does go back thousands of years, though in our postmodern frame of mind, we don’t really acknowledge this consciously. At least most people have compassion for those who are getting bombed; and protests continue across Europe and well beyond.

The word “Palestine” was created by the Romans nearly 2,000 years ago, apparently as part of a program of suppressing Zionism. King Herod was not a big fan of the Jews. I dug back to the first revision of the Wikipedia page on Palestine, the first draft, and discovered this. I feel like the last person to be finding out.

“The region of Palestine is the land between the Mediterranean Sea and the banks of the Jordan River, plus various adjoining lands. Many different definitions of the region have been used in the past three millennia.” So there is no stable definition of the territory or the people. The term is only an indirect reference to non-News. Here is a history of the name.

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