Full Moon Summons the Goddesses and Gods

Dear Friend and Reader:

We are three days from the Full Moon in Cancer, which will occur Saturday, Jan. 10 at 10:26 PM EST. Assuming you can see the sky,В  Luna will be looking mighty large, and looming large in awareness. Inner emotional tension, insomnia and the struggle between what we feel and what is practical are among the energy signatures of this Moon.

Photo by Sean Hayes.
Photo by Sean Hayes.

This Full Moon will be conjunct an important and rarely spoken-of minor planet, Varuna. And it will be square another called Eris, the famous planet that resulted in the reorganization of the solar system’s categories in 2006. The Sun, Moon, Varuna and Eris are therefore in a tight cardinal sign T-square aspect involving Aries, Cancer and Capricorn. These are all signs of change, progress, action and movement — and the world is indeed moving right now.

Varuna and Eris are two distant, extremely slow moving planets that orbit our Sun well beyond Pluto (taking about three and six centuries to go around the Sun just once, respectively) and they are currently holding an exact square — a very rare event because these planets move so slowly and rarely form an aspect. Varuna is in Cancer. Eris stationed direct in Aries on Wednesday.

The square between these two points is apropos of the sense of invisible confusion that we cannot quite tell whether it’s within us or around us — or both. The world is in a brilliantly chaotic state right now; every bit of the astrology points to divine chaos, transition and a whirl into the unknown.

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