The price we’ve paid

Photo by Eric Francis.
Photo by Eric Francis, winter 2007, Point Blanc Nez, France

Hey you White House
Haha, charade you are
— Pink Floyd (“Pigs: Three Different Ones”)

Dear Friend and Reader:

So we’re two days from the end of the Bush era, which I trace back to the election of 1980. We’re almost at the Saturn return of that election, which was the beginning of the Neocon uprising, the Bush dynasty or whatever you want to call it. In terms of a human lifetime, a Saturn cycle is a long time. Most of us see two Saturn returns; we’ll probably live past age 58; but we don’t generally see three of them. So when something lasts for a Saturn cycle, it’s been around long enough to seem permanent.

I cast the chart for Election Day 1980 to check on that Saturn, and the chart is an eyeful. Saturn is in Libra; it returns there at the end of the year and the official return of Saturn to the election ’80 position is in early 2010. Saturn is making a return in between ’10 and ’12 and Pluto is about to square the whole Libra alignment and Uranus is about to oppose it. By “about to” I mean over the next decade, but we see some real movement in the next four years: the juggernaut breaks; we will need to work to ensure that everything else doesn’t break along with it.

Election Day 1980.
Election Day 1980.

What an impressive chart: there is the once-per-20-year conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in early Libra. Venus is exactly conjunct Saturn — exact to the degree, a kind of defining element in this chart, and a picture of how cruelty was turned into persuasive charm — and even the Moon showed up. The Moon is moving through that little space between Juptier and Saturn. Well wasn’t that a lucky day.

Vesta was rising. The idea of sacrifice was evoked. In Leo: the message was “Give yourself and your ideals up for something greater than you.” Mars is conjunct Neptune in Sagittarius: an incendiary God Bomb, thrown at the people. All made to look so pretty; Libra bestows that. Remember that fraud is considered a self-concealing crime. It is specifically designed to hide itself, so a long statute of limitations is necessary. We will perhaps need some time to figure out what has been done to us and our succeeding generations.

For readers wondering how you chart a national election, which takes place many places and at many times, I use one technique: the traditional American “first town that votes” is Dixville Notch, New Hampshire, and they vote at midnight. So I cast all national election charts for 12:01 am, Dixville Notch, Election Day. Other towns do this, but in honor of the tradition I use this particular community in New Hampshire. No method in astrology is perfect, but consistency of method helps; at least if you’re talking to the public in articles, you have a coherent way to present your data, you can compare charts from different eras and you can check over your work years later.

Looking at that chart, my eyes were drawn down to Libra, and to that pile of planetary energy illuminating the 2nd house. The first thing that my mind returned was: Gee whiz, it’s all about the money. When you see a chart where nearly every planet is in the 2nd house, that’s the clue that a lot of money is at stake.

Any capitalist knows that without astrology. Remember, most of us are not capitalists; at our most ambitious, most of us are components in the system. We are not the plutocrats. We are not the Carlyle Group or Halliburton.

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