First Day of the Moon, and Regressive Mercury on Mars

Dear Friend and Reader:

Today is the first day after a solar eclipse: the Moon is still in Aquarius and will make conjunctions to both Chiron and Neptune today. When a lunar eclipse occurs in two weeks (on Feb. 9), the Moon will be exactly opposite Chiron and in a close opposition to Neptune.

Motherboard. Image courtesy of Wikipedia.
How is your motherboard feeling during this Mercury retrograde? Take extra care of your computer today now that Mercury is retrograde conjunct Mars. Image courtesy of Wikipedia.

How was the eclipse day for you? Did you get to do some of what you really love? In retrospect, though I didn’t plan it, I had a balanced, creative day that would make a good model for the next six months: some loving moments and good communication with the people around me, writing a weekly horoscope, finally photographing a woman who’s been buzzing around planning to do a session since the first days I had my studio, and seeing one of the very best films I’ve seen in a long time: Frost/Nixon.

Apart from the absolutely convincing acting, this was journalism class of the first order: the journalism that counts, the psychological kind, about a face-off between a talk show host widely perceived to be a powderpuff entertainer, and the most shrewd politician of modern times; notably also the most disgraced president up until recently. It’s the story of Richard Nixon’s first interview after he resigned. I think that it’s particularly relevant for our times because we have just lived to see the end of another truly shameful or is it shameless presidency, though we are not processing the trauma the same way; the anger is not there; perhaps this is a positive sign but I am one who honors anger and its value in healing.

Speaking of…today Mercury is conjunct Mars, which is an image of passion, anger, creativity, and a fast mind. I have this aspect in my natal chart. Let me tell you about it, in one manifestation: Pisces styled. If you wonder how I can write several horoscopes a week, several essays in this space, the Planet Waves lead article every Friday, write almost every night in my online personal diary Book of Blue, run a little marketing department and take photos, I’ll tell you: I have Mercury conjunct Mars.

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