Virgo, Pisces and the Creative Quandary

How do you access your creativity and moreover, how do you find time and space in our ridiculously busy world to develop and express a creative instinct? This is a question I suspect more than a few people ask themselves constantly.

Many others struggle right below the level of a question, somehow not bringing the matter to the surface. I think that once the question bubbles to the top of awareness, you’re already pretty close to working it out, though it seems that part of the creative process is using creativity to figure out how to express yourself, given all the usual tensions.

Photo by Eric Francis – Blue Studio / New York.

Pisces is considered one of the most intuitive, creative signs, and Virgo is one of the most analytical and mental. The two signs depend on one another for grounding any process of creativity or development. Pisces is the realm of inspiration and ideas. Virgo is the realm of tangible focus, documentation and breaking something into steps and work flow.

It’s pretty obvious how the two work together to get results. And now we have the Virgo-Pisces axis fully activated. The Moon is full in Virgo on the Moon’s Day (Monday, Feb. 26) at 3:26 pm EST. Before that happens, the Moon ingresses Virgo Monday at 1:52 am EST. Here is the chart and here are the minor planets.

As of this posting, it is at the end of its run through Leo, close to a conjunction with the hypothetical planet Transpluto. The message of that aspect is that self-criticism slays creativity.

The Full Moon is the Moon opposing the Sun; the two bodies are in opposite signs when this happens, which makes sense given that the Sun is now in Pisces. ‘Full’ means that you can see half of the Moon (the other half is pointed away from the Earth) and it also means a full opposition.

The Full Moon is a direct meeting and also a point of differentiation. It can help resolve a deadlock or a quandary, and I am seeing this aspect as carrying the momentum of integrating Pisces and Virgo.

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