The dust and the debris – and productivity

Dear Friend and Reader:

The dust and the debris are settling from yesterday’s lunar eclipse, the Mercury retrograde that ended about one week ago and the solar eclipse a week before that, so this was one of those times when eclipses and Mercury retrograde overlap — and they are always chaotic. Economic news is of course the top issue in the world right now, and it’s perhaps the one where the personal meets the political most closely. “Economy” means home. It’s our environment; the place where our energy circulates, and most would say this happens in the form of money. I say it happens in the form of creative energy, because ultimately we run on ideas: that is, if we are doing anything besides exactly what we did yesterday. That need to try something new is the constant demand of business. At what point do we jump into this cycle with some creativity?

Photo by Sean Hayes.
Photo by Sean Hayes.

I understand that there are extremely serious issues with a banking system that cannot seem to avoid purchasing $1,200 waste baskets for its million-dollar office renovations. (That is the least of its problems, but it reveals the mentality.) Apparently in September there was an electronic run on the banks so serious that the United States was hours from economic collapse; I did not believe it either, but check out the link (sent by Fe Bongolan) and see what you think.

Then you have little things like utility companies raising their rates when people conserve energy. That kind of punishment is sending the message that we may as well crank the heat and leave the lights on. I recognize that power companies have to stay in business too, but you don’t do that exclusively by passing the burden directly to the ratepayers. We need to come around to the conclusion that the ecconomy as we currently experience it is a ripoff. It is a giant machine that harvests our energy. We also need to notice that the way the world does business is not sustainable. If we project a consumption-based economy into the future, there is no way we can sustain this.

On today’s aspect list, I see that Apollo has entered Capricorn, the sign of business, where it will soon make a conjunction to Pluto. Apollo is (on one level) about making the same mistakes over and over again. Martha Lang-Wescott reminds us about that feeling of banging your head against the wall, over and over again. It certainly seems that way. When it makes a conjunction to Pluto in the next few days, we may just notice that’s what we’re doing.

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