Mercury, Mars, Saturn: Of Initiative and Discipline

Yesterday I looked at the Virgo Full Moon as a process of integrating the mental and materializing energy of Virgo and the intuitive/creative energy of Pisces. Much of astrology is about the integration of opposites (or seeming opposites). As I described yesterday, the Full Moon came with a focused aspect structure involving a T-square to Jupiter, plus a few minor planets to make it interesting.

Photo by Eric Francis – Blue Studio / New York

Today, let’s consider two ideas: retrograde Mercury conjunct Mars in Pisces; and the Sun trine Saturn. These aspects are focused all through the week, though with a peak over the next 48 hours or so.

Mercury is retrograde, as you know. Today it’s making its second conjunction to Mars for this retrograde cycle, and the only one with Mercury actually retrograde. Mercury-Mars is a hot mind. In Pisces, it’s a lusty, creative hot mind. With Mercury retrograde, it has an introspective quality. If you’re a creative person, the thing you want is to be turned on by is your own thoughts. That quality of being turned on is what is going to carry you forward and make what you’re doing fun.

One message of Mercury-Mars is to think before you leap. Develop the ability to stay turned on — and not leap. Maintain your inner focus. Keep your cool, especially if the situation involves a disagreement, argument, or encountering someone else’s defensiveness projected onto you. It might or might not. Be aware that some will be especially sensitive Tuesday into Wednesday, as the Moon is still in Virgo, opposing this conjunction.

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