Bright Sun, Dark Moon, Full Scorpio

Daily Astrology for Thursday, July 24 by Eric Francis

The Sun, newly in Leo, makes an exact conjunction to Jupiter at 4:43 pm EDT Thursday (21:43 UTC). That’s about as bright as the Sun gets, and it’s a heck of a lot of gravity pulling on Earth (Jupiter is 1,200 times the size of the Earth though not as dense, plus the Sun). At the same time, the Moon is closing in toward new phase. Technically known as Balsamic phase, this happens when the Moon is waning within 45 degrees of the Sun. Currently, the Moon is in late Gemini, about to trine Mars. It will ingress Cancer at 10:59 pm EDT (01:59 UTC).

The image presents a bit of a contradiction between a highly energized Sun, and the Moon in the phase of rest, healing and repair. If you’re inclined, I suggest that you follow the Moon at this point, take it slow and allow yourself to recharge in laid-back mode on all of that intense solar-Jupiter energy that is pouring through Leo at the moment. The Moon will be in Cancer for a couple of days, a good time for a home-based retreat if you can do it. Note that it’s in this slightly anesthetized recharge state that Mars makes its entry into Scorpio on Friday, just ahead of Saturday’s New Moon conjunct Jupiter in Leo.

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