Cool Cap Moon; hot Psyche square Eris

Good Morning World:

Capricorn is an alert but calming energy, and the newborn Moon in this sign should be cooling off some of the hot energy we’ve been experiencing the past few days. Cap is an earth sign, practical in nature and known among other things for its ability to compartmentalize emotions, thoughts and ideas. This is partly why it gets so much done; it can get what does not matter in any moment out of the way. Note that the Moon is waning toward the Pisces New Moon on Feb. 24.

Photo by Sean Hayes.
Photo by Sean Hayes.

The Pisces Sun (arrived there yesterday) has added some emotional depth to the wildly dominant Aquarius sky. It’s not that Aquarius lacks depth, it’s just that it tends to keep it deep in the bottom of a jar. Aquarius, to be itself, must do what we find it very hard to do these days: give, sincerely, from ourselves. We don’t see the value; we are constantly asking the price we’re going to get paid; what’s in it for us; Aquarius is here to give out the water that it has collected. We are an incredibly self-centered lot. I will be talking more about the cultural and individual narcissism that has consumed us alive when I get into Venus retrograde in Aries in the next weeks.

With the Sun now in Pisces, we are fully immersed in that water. It is a relief to some, to experience emotional contact and to others it’s terrifying. But the mental plane (represented currently by Aquarius) is jammed with energy right now, and most of us are experiencing some form of overload.

With the Sun in Pisces, the season is transitioning. The mutable signs such as Pisces are the Sun’s last cycle at the end of a season. It is the time of transition, and those of us up here in the Northern Hemisphere may be noticing winter releasing its grip and slipping into spring. Up here in New York we had a very spring-like, half-hearted but no less beautiful snowstorm that has all but melted away by 10 am.

For a little astrology background, there are three kinds of signs, cardinal, fixed and mutable. Cardinal signs start the seasons; fixed signs are their peak energy; mutable signs are where they dissolve into. In modern terms, mutable means changeable, but in ancient terms it is about the ability to mutate between cardinal (high initiative) and fixed (preserver energy). Pisces is the ultimate mutable sign; it is the cosmic ocean that contains not just all three kinds of energies, but trace elements of all the signs and planets, like the ocean it symbolizes.

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