Mercury Sextile Venus: Perfect Communication

Dear Friend and Reader:

First a couple of housekeeping points. I am looking for a writer to help me with the daily astrology aspect of this thread. You need to be advanced enough at astrology both to have some confidence, and to know how not to get lost in the sauce; that is, how to be salient. This is not a paid position — it is community service work (as it is for me) and an opportunity to learn astrology (mega ditto — Planet Waves is the best astrology study project I’ve ever done). I also need help from somebody who is fast with horary and event astrology so that when news breaks we have some information to work with.

Photo by Sean Hayes.
Photo by Sean Hayes.

Second point, Planet Waves Radio. We premiered on Tuesday night and will be back this coming Tuesday, March 3, at 11 pm Eastern Time and 8 pm Pacific Time. Despite some technical issues, the program was amazing. My second foray into radio has been a long time coming and I am very excited to be speaking to an audience instead of just writing to you. By the end of the program we had 14 phone lines lit up — obviously more than we could handle.

One little secret about Blog Talk Radio is that if you have 200 listeners to any program, your show goes to the top of the ratings — so let’s do it. Meanwhile I am working with my producer, Jakki Emery, to create a demo tape based on the program, and we are aiming for satellite radio. While I prefer small parties, I like a large audience. I do better, I have more fun and more energy. So please spread the word, and see you at Blog Talk Radio on Tuesday.

Last bit of housekeeping — I will be at the Poly Living 2009 conference this weekend in Philadelphia. As everyone but my girlfriend knows, I am polyamorous. (That was a joke.) But I am this weird kind of poly where I want to be in love with everyone. My presentation, on Saturday, will be called Compersion Immersion, a workshop on how to go beyond jealousy and possessiveness and dive into the ocean of possibility on the other side of the Special Relationship. Personally, I never disagreed (for example, with A Course in Miracles) that the search for the Special Relationship was the fastest way to hell. It was just that I was so attached to this particular outcome that it was difficult to entertain any other possibility. Compersion Immersion looks at other possibilities, exploring the emotional language that is necessary in order to relate to people from a space of freedom rather than control.

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