Pisces New Moon, Mars leaves Pisces

Today is the Pisces New Moon at 3:51 pm EDT. This is the last New Moon of the astrological cycle of the year; Pisces is the last sign and the New Moon is a kind of concluding event. As we’ve been mentioning over and over in this space, Pisces is a full house, and will continue to be so even after Mars leaves for Aries just after tomorrow begins.

Chart for the Pisces Full Moon, set for Kingston, New York. Click to see full-sized image. View glyph legend here.

That move will foreshadow the Aries equinox, which occurs when the Sun ingresses Aries in about a week and a half. But before we get to that new beginning, we have a very rich New Moon to experience.

Much of that richness stems from the full slate of major planets occupying Pisces (Mercury, which stations direct on March 17, as well as Venus, the Sun, Mars, Chiron and Neptune — just in case you’d forgotten somehow over the weekend). But there are also some minor planets present in the sign of the two fish (as noted in this post from last week).

Plus, a number of minor planets in the other mutable signs are making aspects to the New Moon. Within just two degrees of this event, there are 14 points in the mutable signs. That’s a lot going on, and you may very well be feeling the energy surging — especially if any planets or angles in your own birth chart are making contact with this New Moon.

The closest is a conjunction of the asteroid Arachne and centaur planet Pholus in Sagittarius, which the New Moon squares. That is, the New Moon is exactly 90 degrees from this conjunction. (Genevieve Hathaway looked at centaurs Pholus and Ixion opposite Black Moon Lilith and Ceres forming a T-square to the New Moon last Friday; let’s see what emerges if we consider Pholus and Arachne.)

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